项目分类 | 城市规划

贵阳石头寨/Guiyang Stone Village City Planning

关键词 | 城市规划

项目位置:贵阳 · 贵州

用地面积:1287801 ㎡

建筑面积:4561577 ㎡


容 积 率:3.0

       贵阳石头寨城市规划以“七彩花溪 未来湾谷”理念为骨架,结合贵州省的多彩特采,以水为脉,着力打造“两轴、三心、三环、八大风貌社区”的总体规划结构,尊重原始地貌,整合人文景观优势,增强城郊互动,塑造花溪南部地标,为贵安新区引吸引更多高科技人才,提供高品质社区支撑。项目规划面积约2000 亩,区位和基地周边条件得天独厚,七彩花溪犹如雨后彩虹屹立在林城南部,立体交通环绕,一条郁郁葱葱的林荫大道支撑起整个社区的交通骨架,又通过立体交通环设计,赋予东西两区地面、地下、空中三重立体交通,有效融合了公共资源、人文、生态、交通为多元社区提供优质的资源, 稳重的体量契合了“政府”的正气形象。

Guiyang stone village city planning with colourful flowers and stream and the future Bay Valley, the concept as the framework, Combine the colorful features of Guizhou province, with water as the pulse, focus on building  the overall planning structure of "two axes, three hearts, three rings, eight big community", respect the original  landforms, integrate the advantages of the human landscape, enhance the interaction between the suburbs and the city. Create a southern landmark to attract more high-tech talents for Guian new district, the project area is about 2000 mu, the unique conditions of location and base, colorful flowers and streams are like rainbows standing  in the southern part of the city after rain. Surrounded by three-dimensional traffic, the boulevard supports the  entire community's traffic skeleton, Effective integration of public resources, Humanity, ecology, and transportation provide high-quality resources for diverse communities, and the stable volume fits the positive image of "government".
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